Southern Oregon this Appraiser's perspective

December 15th, 2009 10:33 PM

I bought mine yesterday and had to come back today to pick it up in my truck. I got a little lost because I thought it was closer to the fairgrounds on Hwy 199. In fact the “Discount Price” Christmas Tree Lot is on the corner of Henderson and Hwy 199. Henderson is the street after Tussey if you’re headed toward Redwood Avenue.

You’ll see the sign for Henderson’s Line Up and the White Christmas Lights before you see the street sign if the weather is like today (drizzly).

What you won’t miss after you get to the lot is the fabulous array of Noble Fir Christmas Trees. In our house – if it isn’t a Noble Fir it isn’t a Christmas Tree. Every year we sort through all the different kinds of trees that other folks like to find the best Noble Fir. Unfortunately our price range tops out at about $30 and since Nobles are more difficult to come by (they grow at a higher elevation that typically has snow on the ground this time of year) we are usually stuck with the short ones. You can see that there are still plenty of different sizes to choose from. I think this year I got one that is about 6’….for ONLY $14.99.

So when I got there today to pick up my tree the Tree Man smiled at me and said – “I could have sold your tree last night”. This is one of the things I like about Oregon; most folks don’t pull any punches. I laughed as I walked toward where I had last seen My Tree and said, “Then it’s a good thing I paid you for it, isn’t it?”

I noticed that the trees were beginning to thin out as we continued to banter back and forth about how business was. I bought my tree at about 2:30p yesterday and he told me he sold 30 trees last night alone. As a matter of fact I texted a friend today – the one who introduced me to the lot last year (Agent Andi of Redd McCarty Realtors) and she was at the lot buying a tree that very minute!!!

Let me tell you why these trees are walking off the lot in droves. They last forever!!!! At our house we have a rule that the Christmas Tree has to come down by Valentine’s Day. We initially made the rule because I was afraid that the dried out Christmas Tree would become a fire hazard. Last year I bought mine from this lot right after Thanksgiving. When we took the tree down in February this year there was hardly a needle on the floor. In other words it still wasn’t completely dried out.

Wishing for you and yours the very merriest of Holiday Seasons.

Posted in:General
Posted by Margaret Nelson-Quin, SRA on December 15th, 2009 10:33 PMPost a Comment

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